CHAI SDK  Version 1.3
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The Virtual Network Manager (VNM) is the main CopperLan communication engine. It is found in every CopperLan Machine and it handles a local CopperLan virtual network allowing multiple local application to be connected among themselves as well as to other applications on the network.

Connecting multiple CopperLan Machines is done through Ethernet communication. The network is thus expanded automatically by each VNM added.

Computer peripherals using USB, Firewire or any other communication means (besides Ethernet), are not CopperLan machines since they do not embed a VNM. They rely instead on their host CopperLan Machine - typically a computer - having enough CPU power to ensure the CopperLan network tasks.

Nevertheless, embedded systems can also be CopperLan machines containing their own VNM (within the MCU firmware or as part of an embedded Linux implementation). There is a special case when such embedded system is connected through USB on a computer host; the embedded VNM will not be used, instead the embedded system will rely on it's host VNM.

In summary, any equipment running a VNM is a CopperLan Machine either by default (embedded systems), or as soon the CopperLan Package is installed. It allows running multiple CopperLan applications and hosting CopperLan peripherals on its local virtual network or from the whole CopperLan network if connected to other CopperLan Machines.

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