CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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Local device notification handlers.

List of all local device notification handlers. More...


typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_NOTIFICATION )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, LocalDeviceNotificationTypes const notification)
 This notification informs the application about some update related to a local device. More...


typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SNAPSHOT_REQUESTCOLLECTSNAPSHOTDATA )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wRequestID, SnapshotTypes const snapshotType, CPUINT32 const dwOffset, CPUINT32 const dwSnapshotContextData, CPUINT16 const wMaxBlockSize)
 Called by the CHAI to request snapshot data related to the device. More...
typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SNAPSHOT_REQUESTRESTORESNAPSHOTDATA )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wRequestID, SnapshotTypes const snapshotType, CPUINT32 const dwOffset, CPUINT32 const dwSnapshotContextData, CPUINT16 const wBlockSize, CPBOOLEAN const fIsLastBlock, CPBYTE const *const pBlockData)
 Called by the CHAI to restore snapshot data related to the device. More...

SmartConnect Target

typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SCT_STARTED )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wSessionID, CPUINT16 const wArraySize, CPBOOLEAN const fTruncated)
 Initiate a SmartConnect session. The source device IDs array contains a list of controller devices to be assigned during this session. The LocalDevice_SCT_RequestControllerList function can be used to continue the SmartConnect process. More...
typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SCT_SECTIONLISTREPLY )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wSessionID, CPDEVICEID const *const pSourceDevID, CPUINT16 const wArraySize, CPBOOLEAN const fTruncated)
 Reply to a section list request. More...
typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SCT_CONTROLLERLISTREPLY )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wSessionID, CPDEVICEID const *const pSourceDevID, CPUINT16 const wArraySize, CPBOOLEAN const fTruncated)
 Reply to a controller list request. More...
typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SCT_FINISHED )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wSessionID)
 Notify end of SmartConnect session. Time to release application data related to the specified session ID. More...


typedef void(* NH_LOCALDEVICE_SIGNAL )(CPHOBJECT const hLocalDevice, ObjectTypes const deviceType, CPUINT32 const dwDeviceUserData, CPUINT16 const wSignalNumber, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData0, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData1, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData2, CPUINT16 const wOptionalData3, CPCHAR8 const *const utf8OptionalData, CPENDPOINT const *const pOptionalEndPoint, CPDEVICEID const *const pSourceDevID)
 Called if the local device received a signal. More...

Detailed Description

List of all local device notification handlers.