CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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Pipe Notification handlers.

List of all pipe notification handlers. More...


typedef void(* NH_PIPE_PEERCHANGE )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer, CPBOOLEAN const fNewPeer)
 Peer change notification. More...
typedef void(* NH_PIPE_DATACONSUMED )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData)
 This is called on reception of DataConsumed from the target side. More...
typedef void(* NH_PIPE_MESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData, CPHOBJECT const hMessage, ObjectTypes const messageType, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Called on message reception other than Event, Modifier, Text, Selector and MidiSysEx. Actually only Data Transfer Message are handled this way. More...
typedef void(* NH_PIPE_EVENTMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData, CPEVENTMSG const *const pEvent, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Called on event message reception. More...
typedef void(* NH_PIPE_MODIFIERMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData, CPMODIFIERMSG const *const pModifier, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Called on modifier message reception. More...
typedef void(* NH_PIPE_SELECTORMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData, CPSELECTORMSG const *const pSelector, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Called on selector message reception. More...
typedef void(* NH_PIPE_TEXTMESSAGE )(CPHOBJECT const hPipe, CPUINT32 const dwPipeUserData, CPTEXTMSG const *const pText, CPENDPOINT const *const pPeer)
 Called on text message reception. More...

Detailed Description

List of all pipe notification handlers.