CHAILink SDK  Version 1.3
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CPValue Functions

These functions manipulate CPValue structure and are used for instance qith Modifer Messages. More...


void CPVALUE_SetRawOnly (CPVALUE *const pValue, CPUINT16 const wRawValue, CPBOOLEAN const fBipolarRawValue)
 Set a CPVALUE structure to the specified raw value. More...
void CPVALUE_Set (CPVALUE *const pValue, CPUINT16 const wRawValue, DataTypes const dataType, void const *const pTypedValue, CPBOOLEAN const fBipolarRawValue)
 Set raw value and typed value. More...
CPBOOLEAN CPVALUE_IsRawValueBipolar (CPVALUE const *const pValue)
 Tells if the raw value is bipolar. More...
DataTypes CPVALUE_GetDataType (CPVALUE const *const pValue)
 Get data type. More...

Detailed Description

These functions manipulate CPValue structure and are used for instance qith Modifer Messages.