Where is Copperplug development standing?

Where is Copperplug development standing?

Postby papagirafe » 03 Oct 2018, 22:03

I just discovered CoppperLan recently and I am enthusiastic about the design of it. Naturally I wanted to try CopperPLug for distributed sound processing but by looking at the dates on the various posts about CopperPlug, it seems that development is on hold for some reason. Even more the links to the beta version are dead. Please tell me that this is not a dead project!
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Joined: 24 Sep 2018, 15:42

Re: Where is Copperplug development standing?

Postby verstaerker » 02 Jan 2019, 11:31

i haven't seen anything official, but it seems pretty likely that the project is dead

to me it's still the best solution for complex midi-networks - but it never made it into the big public and probably because not enough people were adopting to it Alyseum stopped producing the Interfaces wich was pretty much the dead of the project as no other interfaces were available
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