Local Midi Routing Vmidi Troubles

Local Midi Routing Vmidi Troubles

Postby JustGTA » 20 Dec 2013, 13:22


I'm a new user of CopperLan, and i've got troubles to find a great set up for my rig.

I'm a guitarist and that's my current rig:

Guitar, with Fishmann Tripleplay ( a midi pickup), the Fishman software runs as a plugin in Live.
Instruments are loaded inside the Fishman Soft, wich is loaded several times in several Live Tracks.

I use a KeithMillen Softstep to controll ableton.
I found a Live Midi Remote Script which allows some really cool parameters to configure an efficient looper using Live Session View. There's an "Arm Selected Pist" command !! Something a lot of people always ask for !

In order to configure that script, I have to send specific Midi Data (Note On mostly) to live.
The script creator gives a list of exact values for each fonction.
I also use the Live Shortkeys Mapper to launch some things.

To do that, I set my SoftStep as a Simple FootOn = 127, then footoff = 0.
I use Bomes'Midi Translator to convert each keys to each CC/Note On value I need, or to KeyShortcut.

SoftStep use midi port SSCOM to send out midi data to MidiTranslator --> Midi Translator ..translates to my own values or keys -> then send to Vmidi 1 out.
In live the Controller Surface is set to my script, with the assiocated port Vmidi1 Input.

I've tried just like this, and it didn't seem to work..
Then I created patch cables, from Vmidi1 to Vmidi1 (guess it's Out to In in Copperlan)..
Then I've created other patch cables, like 1 to 2, and set Vmidi2 out in Live.. And so on..

Actually, it worked a certain time, I just can't find the good configuration again, and it's driving me crazy.
I've also tried using LoopBe, a simple 1 in/1 out virtual midi port, and it worked fine by just setting MidiTranslator Out to LoopBe Out and Live Script Controller In to LoopBe In..

Any ideas ?

Thank's a lot.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2013, 12:42

Re: Local Midi Routing Vmidi Troubles

Postby CopperPhil » 20 Dec 2013, 13:39


You just have to create a virtual MIDI cable between VMIDI1 and VMIDI1. As you guessed, you connect VMIDI1 "out" to VMIDI1 "in".

You need to do this in CopperLan (in opposition to other MIDI loopback like LoopBe) because it is not trivial that VMIDI1 "out" should be connected to VMIDI1 "in"... When a MIDI stream is going to the CopperLan network it can be patched anywhere on a channel basis, even on target located on another computer.

If you are running Windows, be careful that the MIDI ports are single client. I mean that you can't open the VMIDI1 "out" simultaneously from two applications. Maybe this is the cause of your "it worked a certain time" issue.

To make things clear, I suggest to use VMIDI1 as MIDI to CopperLan" bridge, and VMIDI2 as "CopperLan to MIDI". So you configure MidiTranslator to send MIDI to VMIDI1 and Live to listen to VMIDI2, then create a Virtual MIDI cable between VMIDI1 and VMIDI2.
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