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Authoritative Helper Classes

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2012, 14:27
by arakula
While trying to find my way through the various examples on SourceForge, I couldn't help noticing that the CPDummyApp and CopperVex samples contain a HelperCode directory, with slightly different content. Presumably, the one in CPDummyApp is newer... right?

It might be a good idea to add a "latest and greatest" complete HelperCode set to the (Freeware) SDK.



Re: Authoritative Helper Classes

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2012, 14:39
by CopperPhil
Hi Hermann,

I've just sync the helper code in CopperVex with the CPDummyApp version, which is indeed the last version.

You are right, the latest version of helper code should be distributed with the SDK. I note that for the next release.

