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Just for the record... VS6 works, too

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2012, 21:44
by arakula
Much to my amazement, I could compile my CopperLan support DLL for VSTHost with Visual Studio 6. And it even works just like the VS2008 build. So, thank you for the unexpected compatibility 8-)

Re: Just for the record... VS6 works, too

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2012, 22:03
by CopperPhil
Thanks for the information, always good to know! ;)

I didn't tried it yet. Actually I think I've put my VS6 in a box at the bottom of a well :lol:

Re: Just for the record... VS6 works, too

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2012, 22:20
by arakula
On XP, the VS6 IDE runs circles around the .NET crap (VS.NET and later), uses much less memory, comes up instantly instead of "after some seconds if you're lucky" and so on. As long as I don't need more modern features (templates, SSE intrinsics and the like), I still develop with VS6. I get a much higher throughput this way.

Windows 7 x64, of course, is a different story. Here, I'm using VS2008, because VS6 only works in a Virtual Machine. The abysmal VS2010 is out of the question; I got better things to do in life than to wait... wait... wait... wait...