Who we are

CopperLan is an initiative from Klavis Technologies s.a, a company founded in January 2000 by a group of individuals from the pro-audio and MI industry. The company quickly earned endorsement and obtained grant funding from the Belgian Federal Government in order to bolster up the financial ressources.

The company is run by David Herscovitch and Eric Lukac-Kuruc, its original founders.
Since May 2014, Klavis technologies s.a. and its main partner Archwave Technologies, have entered into a exclusive licence agreement leading to a stronger team in order to increase the technical skills and marketing know-how required by CopperLan.
As the sole CopperLan IP owner, alt is dedicated to the overall project management while alt is taking care of the technical development and support services for companies implementing CopperLan in their products.

David Herscovitch - CEO
Owner of an MBA from the Solvay Business School in Belgium, he co-founded the company in 2000 with a strong vision and dedication to bring CopperLan to the MI market.

Eric Lukac-Kuruc - CTO
He had a rich career in MI business, as a former sound engineer, involved in the design, manufacturing, & trade of musical equipment, as well as in the technology and semiconductor businesses. He is now fusing it all to the benefit of CopperLan.

Philippe Cailleau - Technical Leader for Computing Platforms development
Philippe is an Electronic Engineer with more than 18 years experience in C/C++ programming. He managed several real time projects for high tech and music industry. He is a genius in programming complex technical crazy stuff. His mastering skills based on years of experience allowed him to conceive and develop architecture and technologies CopperLan leans on.
François Lion - Technical Leader for Embedded and Low Level development
If Philippe is the genius, then François is Aladdin! Software Engineer with more than ten years proven programming experience, his ability to swim like a fish in the water in truly all technologies made him a renowned Technical Expert. Specialized in embedded technologies, expert in C/C++, he also has the skills to develop drivers and very low level stuff on Mac and PC platforms.
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