CHAI SDK  Version 1.3
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CPNS Namespace Reference

CopperLan main namespace. More...


class  AudioLanEnums
class  AudioLanSourceStream
class  AudioLanSourceStreamChannel
class  AudioLanOutputChannel
class  AudioLanExtension
 Factory class used to create AudioLan objects. More...
class  IAudioLanLocalDevice
 Audio device. More...
class  IAudioLanManager
 This is the AudioLan dedicated audio manager's interface. More...
class  IAudioLanLocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for IAudioLanLocalDevice. More...
class  IAudioLanRemoteController_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for IAudioLanRemote. More...
class  IAudioLanRemote
 This is the AudioLan dedicated audio remote controller's interface. More...
class  IAudioLanRemoteController
 This is the AudioLan dedicated audio remote controller's interface. More...
class  IAudioLanRemoteDevice
class  IAsync
 Async call handler. More...
class  IObject
 Object base interface. More...
class  IHookedObject
 Hooked Object base interface. More...
class  IDeviceEnumerationContext
 Device enumeration context interface. More...
class  ITimer
 Timer object interface. More...
class  ICHAI
 CHAI interface. More...
class  Factory
 This is a CHAI factory. More...
class  Constants
 Constants class contains fixed device identity information. More...
class  Value
 Value container. More...
class  SectionID
 Section ID definition class. More...
class  ParameterID
 Parameter ID definition class. More...
class  ControllerAssignment
 Controller assignment definition class. More...
class  SmartConnectSectionItem
 Section descriptor for SmartConnect. More...
class  SmartConnectControllerItem
 Controller descriptor for SmartConnect. More...
class  MachineID
class  ParameterGroupItem
class  Enums
 Enums class contains enum declaration. More...
class  IIndexList
 When a Parameter is associated to an Index List, it means that several instances of this parameter are available. More...
class  ISelectorItemList
 This list is providing the items for Selector parameters. More...
class  IListID
 Unique list identification. More...
class  IParameter
 The Parameter object is aimed to: More...
class  IBaseOutput
class  IOutput
 The Output object is used to send messages to a set of destinations (one or more inputs) More...
class  IController
 The Controller object is aimed to be assigned to a remote parameter. More...
class  IInput
 The Input object is used to receive messages from one or more outputs. More...
class  IPipe
 The Pipe is used to exchange messages between two peers in bidirectional ways. More...
class  IBaseLocalDevice
 It is the base interface for all Local Devices. More...
class  ILocalDevice
 This is a generic purpose local device. More...
class  IMIDI2CPLocalDevice
 This is a MIDI to CopperLan translator. More...
class  ICP2MIDILocalDevice
 This kind of Local Device is a CopperLan to MIDI translator. More...
class  IHybridMIDILocalDevice
 This Local Device is equipped with both MIDI to CopperLan and CopperLan to MIDI translators. More...
class  IVMIDILinkInLocalDevice
 This kind of Local Device is acting as a local input port, aimed to receive messages from a MIDI Out port automatically created on remote computers. More...
class  IVMIDILinkOutLocalDevice
 This kind of Local Device is acting as a local output port, aimed to send messages to a MIDI In port automatically created on remote computers. More...
class  IVMIDILinkHybridLocalDevice
 This kind of Local Device is acting as a local input/output port, aimed to receive and send messages from/to a pair of MIDI Out/In ports automatically created on remote computers. More...
class  ISharedDisplayLocalDevice
 Shared display device. More...
class  ISharedDisplayClientLocalDevice
 Shared display client device. More...
class  IBaseMessage
 Base interface for all kinds of message. More...
class  IEventMessage
 Event message dedicated class. More...
class  IModifierMessage
 Modifier message dedicated class. More...
class  ISelectorMessage
 Selector message dedicated class. More...
class  ITextMessage
 Text message dedicated class. More...
class  IMIDISysexMessage
 MIDI Sysex message dedicated class. More...
class  IDataTransferMessage
 Custom Data Transfer message dedicated class. More...
class  IObject_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for IObject. More...
class  ICHAI_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for the CHAI. More...
class  ICHAI_WatcherNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for CHAI's watcher feature. More...
class  ICHAI_RemoteDevice_Find_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for CHAI's device enumeration. More...
class  ICHAI_GlobalTimer_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for CHAI's global timer. More...
class  ICHAI_Timer_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for CHAI's timer. More...
class  ICHAI_SignalNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Signal reception at CHAI's level. More...
class  IIndexList_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Index List management. More...
class  ISelectorItemList_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Selector Item List management. More...
class  ISharedDisplayLocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for SharedDisplayLocalDevice. More...
class  ISharedDisplayClientLocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for SharedDisplayClientLocalDevice. More...
class  IInput_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Input. More...
class  IInput_ClockListenerControlNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for ClockListener Input. More...
class  IInput_ParameterNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Parameters handling. More...
class  IPipe_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Pipe. More...
class  IOutput_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Output. More...
class  IOutput_ClockGeneratorNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for ClockGenerator Output. More...
class  IController_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Controller. More...
class  IBaseLocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for BaseLocalDevice. More...
class  IBaseLocalDevice_SnapshotNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for the base local device snapshot handling. More...
class  IBaseLocalDevice_SmartConnectTargetNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for the base local device SmartConnect Target handling. More...
class  IBaseLocalDevice_SignalNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for Signal reception at LocalDevice layer. More...
class  ICP2MIDILocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for CopperLan to MIDI translator device. More...
class  IVMIDILinkInLocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for VMIDILink In device. More...
class  IVMIDILinkOutLocalDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for any kind of VMIDILink device. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_NotificationHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice object creation. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_NotificationHandler2
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice object creation. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_WatcherNotificationHandler
 Notification handler for remote device's watcher feature. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetName_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetName async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetProperty_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetProperty async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetInputInfo_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's InputInfo related async methods. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetOutputInfo_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's OutputInfo related async methods. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetDestination_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetDestination async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetDestinationCount_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetDestinationCount async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetConnectedDevices_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetConnectedDevices_Async async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetDetailedDestination_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetDetailedDestination async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetParameterInfo_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetParameterInfo async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetParameterPath_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetParameterPath_Async async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetControllerInfo_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetControllerInfo async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetModifierDataTypeInfo_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetModifierDataTypeInfo async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetSelectorParameterValueText_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetSelectorParameterValueText async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_GetIndexListItem_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's GetIndexListItem async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_CollectSnapshotData_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's CollectSnapshotData async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_RestoreSnapshotData_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's RestoreSnapshotData async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice_SmartConnectStart_AsyncReturnHandler
 Notification handler for RemoteDevice's SmartConnect async method. More...
class  IRemoteDevice
 The RemoteDevice object is used to perform remote operations on any device on the network. More...
class  CapabilitiesTools
 Helper class for capabilities matching check. More...
class  GroupsTools
 Helper class for group matching check. More...
class  SectionTypeTools
 Helper class for section type matching check. More...
class  EndpointIDTools
 Helper class for endpoint ID classification. More...
class  CombinedEnums
 Template class used to handle combination of enum values. More...
class  DeviceID
 Device ID definition class. More...
class  Endpoint
 Endpoint (source or destination) definition class. More...
class  UTF8String
 String handling class. More...


typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::GlobalTimerNotificationFlags,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::GlobalTimerNotificationFlags flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::DeviceCapabilities,
CPNS::uint32 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::DeviceCapabilities flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::ExtendedDeviceCapabilities,
CPNS::uint32 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::ExtendedDeviceCapabilities flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::FindDeviceOptions,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::FindDeviceOptions flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::InOutCapabilities,
CPNS::uint32 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::InOutCapabilities flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::ModifierInformationProfiles,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::ModifierInformationProfiles flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::SelectorInformationProfiles,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::SelectorInformationProfiles flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::TextInformationProfiles,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::TextInformationProfiles flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::RefreshValueAttributes,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::RefreshValueAttributes flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::TimeStampFlags,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::TimeStampFlags flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::WarningCodes,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::WarningCodes flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::SharedDisplayCaps,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::SharedDisplayCaps flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::ControllerTypes,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::ControllerTypes flags. More...
typedef CPNS::CombinedEnums
< CPNS::Enums::WatcherPOIs,
CPNS::uint16 > 
 Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::WatcherPOIs flags. More...

Detailed Description

CopperLan main namespace.

CopperLan Types.

Typedef Documentation

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::ControllerTypes flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::DeviceCapabilities flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::ExtendedDeviceCapabilities flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::FindDeviceOptions flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::GlobalTimerNotificationFlags flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::InOutCapabilities flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::ModifierInformationProfiles flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::RefreshValueAttributes flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::SelectorInformationProfiles flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::SharedDisplayCaps flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::TextInformationProfiles flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::TimeStampFlags flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::WarningCodes flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.

Container for multiple CPNS::Enums::WatcherPOIs flags.

This template class is used to guarantee strong typed argument when a combination of enum values is needed.